January 12, 2024

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Color psychology is a vast and complicated field that can be distilled down to a few basic things. For this study, we will take 6 colors from the color wheel (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple), pink which is a combination of red and violet, as well as black and white which are not considered colors because of their physical nature, but in the context of how human eyes process light and the lack of it, then black and white, as well as pink, earn their places in our palette. 

Color psychology and how it affects people is an ancient topic that dates back to the days of cavemen. To them, the color red indicated danger - that was fire and blood. Different colors, hues, and tones bring up certain associations that impact our mood and decision-making processes. Personal preferences, upbringing, and culture can play a significant role in color perception as well.

In marketing, the color of the brand is meant to translate a very simple message that represents certain brand values, and sometimes even dictate certain actions.

So what message does each of the before-mentioned colors send? Let’s break it down using some examples.


Blue is the most popular color for marketers and brands all over the world. It is a safe bet, so why wouldn’t you use it? Well with all its pros it still has some cons, like all other colors that we will cover in this article. 

Blue is often the color that extrudes trust, reliability, tranquility, and safety. It is often used by brands to establish their credibility and is a favorite in industries like tech, healthcare, and banking. Different shades of blue can also convey different emotions and messages and need to be picked out carefully. 

On the other hand, it can be quite cold sometimes and is considered emotionless because of it, but sometimes that is exactly what you’re looking for if you’re a serious and highly logical brand.


If blue is the prom king in terms of popularity, red is its prom queen. Right there with it and often used in combination with blue. 

Usually associated with strong emotions such as love, passion, and urgency. It grabs attention as it stands out almost anywhere. Brands can also use the color red for clearance sales, calls to action, and similar things, but we’ll get to that in another article.

The color red has its downsides, it is perceived as aggressive, and along with the mentioned emotions can also represent anger, rage, danger, and pain.


Did you know that in the past, only royalty and extremely wealthy individuals could wear the color purple? The original dye was prized because of supply and demand: It came from the mucous of an exceedingly rare sea snail shell. Because of that only 4 flags today have the color purple in them: Dominica, El Salvador, Spain, and Nicaragua.

Given its history, it comes as no surprise that purple is linked to luxury and sophistication. But that’s not the only thing it represents. It conveys creativity and imagination as well.

Although, it can be considered a bit too much even today, as well as unrealistic.


Orange is a highly friendly and approachable color because of its warmth. Besides those two things, it is also considered enthusiastic and dynamic making it perfect for brands targeting a youthful audience and those wanting to convey a sense of fun and approachability - think of brands like Nickelodeon and Harley Davidson.

Because of the playful nature of the color orange, its con is that it seems juvenile, immature, and ignorant. 


Color of the sun, daisies, daffodils, canaries, and little chicks. Yellow just radiates happiness. If you want your brand to convey a sunny, positive, and optimistic disposition, yellow is the right color for you. 

The only downside is it calls for caution. Examples of this are found in traffic signs and ISO warning signs.


Symbol of growth and harmony. When you think of nature, green is the first color that comes to mind. 

Brands in the health and wellness or eco-friendly sectors often use green to convey a sense of freshness and sustainability. It can also be found in the finance industry as it is associated with both money and security. 

As a result of its harmony and calmness, it can be considered boring and bland if not approached right. 


Nowadays considered a gentle and feminine color, pink has become a synonym for brands targeting a female audience. It's used to convey a caring, nurturing image. Most often seen in brands that make beauty and skincare products. 

You may even dare to call pink a rebellious color, one that defies the usual corporate look.

Even though it is considered a color of care and nurture, it can be a bit too much if used in its saturated form, with some people saying they even get nauseated while shopping in stores with pink walls. As it is with most things, balance is key.


Black is considered a statement color and can make your brand seem elegant, sophisticated, and powerful. The most widespread use of the color black is in the fashion industry. There are industries where black isn’t even considered, the healthcare industry for example, as it resonates with the ideas of death and mourning, as well as evil. 

White, the same as black, has a certain luxury and elegant feel to it, but in contrast to black’s evil nature, white is a symbol of innocence and purity. 

Both black and white are considered universally timeless colors for brands.

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